Chez Vous: Christmas with Elektra (pandemic edition)
November 29, 2020 at 3:00pm PST
Christmas 2020 is going to be unlike any other. The Elektra singers and I were wishing we could bring you “to our house” for our annual Chez Nous: Christmas with Elektra concert. Instead, we decided to sing in the season “chez vous”. We created a 50-minute, free online Christmas special featuring some of my favourite tracks from Elektra’s Christmas CDs, enhanced with beautiful imagery designed by Shannon Lythgoe.
View the show free on YouTube here.
As an extra bonus, we also published our very own Christmas Dinner with Elektra cookbook, linked here as a pdf. If you prefer, view the online version on issuu.com.
Guest artists
Joan Blackman ~ Violin
Edward Henderson ~ Guitar,
Lorna McGhee ~ Flute
Jodi Proznick ~ Bass
Rebecca Wenham ~ Cello
Members of the Vancouver Bach Children’s Chorus (Marisa Gaetanne, director).
Performance Pieces:
Canadian Work