Composition Details
- Composed by: Ramona Luengen
- Published by: J.W. Pepper
- Canadian Work:
- Duration: 4:00
Performed in Concert
In Collections
Conductor Notes:
A beautiful work exhibiting the best of Ramona’s phrasing, this time within the constraints of SA(A) and piano. The two-part divisi belies a subtle and moderately challenging-to-learn work (rhythms are the tough part) in which the text speaks clearly, allowing the innocent nature of the poem to shine through. I’ve included this work on the “Suitable for Young Voices” list, with a caution that they would have to be quite musically-literate young voices!
Spring 2022 update: Ramona has rewritten the accompaniment to incorporate piano and string quartet. Beautiful and effective. The choral parts remain unchanged.
Composer / Arranger Notes:
Night was commissioned by the Oriana Women’s Choir in Toronto and their former director William Brown. About the source of the text for this Ramona shares in the score: “NIGHT by Hilary Ilkay (Grade 9, Earl Haig Secondary School) is taken from Urban Voices/L’écho de la ville, an annual publication of the Toronto District School Board celebrating the poetry and illustrations of its elementary and secondary school students. Because of the commission’s time constraint, a few words of the poem were not included in the music setting.” The piece is dedicated “To all parents and educators who value and foster the arts among our children.”
Poetry: Hilary Ilkay
The sparkling stars
Pin an inky black canvas
Across the endless expanse of sky;
The sun dips low and
Whispers its last goodnight
To the world;
It’s time to rest
Until the morning comes
In its reckless manner;
But now, now it is time
For the night to come
And the moon to rise
Suspended in the air,
And now it is time
For the stars to shine
And for children to stare
In wonder, as they
Wish upon them with all their heart;
The noise dims,
The wind dies,
Everything slows,
The world shuts off –
And now, I say
Farewell to the world
Until the morning comes
To awaken the earth
From its deep slumber;
And now, all that reigns
Is the night.