Ave Regina Coelorum [Rheinberger]

Composition Details

Conductor Notes:

Rheinberger’s music is elegant and satisfying to sing. Many of the motets for treble voices are duets (also wonderful), but this is for SSA and organ. Mostly homophonic, it would work well for a choir of any size – from just a few per part to a large ensemble.

Because we had a string quartet with us in 2016, I asked Stephen Smith to arrange the accompaniment for strings and organ. It worked well. The parts can be purchased on Stephen’s MusicaNeo site.


Ave, Regina Coelorum
Ave, Domina Angelorum:
Salve, radix, salve, porta
Ex qua mundo lux est orta:
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa,
Super omnes speciosa,
Vale, o valde decora,
Et pro nobis Christum exora

Hail, O Queen of Heaven.
Hail, O Lady of Angels
Hail! thou root, hail! thou gate
From whom unto the world,
a light has arisen:
Rejoice, O glorious Virgin,
Lovely beyond all others,
Farewell, most beautiful maiden,
And pray for us to Christ.