Beneath Her Heart

Composition Details

  • Composed by: Rita Costanzi
  • Published by: manuscript
  • Canadian Work: Yes Canadian Work

Performed in Concert


Beata es Maria, quae credidisti:
perficientur in te quae
dicta sunt tibi a Domino,
Ave Maria:
Ave Maria gratia plena.
Dominus tecum

Maria Walks Amid the Thorn:
Medieval German carol

Maria walks amid the thorn
Kyrie eleison. [Lord, have mercy.]
Maria walks amid the thorn which
Seven years no leaf has born.
Jesus and Maria.

What ‘neath her heart doth Mary bear?
Kyrie eleison [Lord, have mercy.]
A little child doth Mary bear,
Beneath her heart He nestles there.
Jesus and Maria.

And as the two are passing near,
Kyrie eleison [Lord, have mercy.]
Lo! Roses on the thorns appear,
Lo! Roses on the thorns appear.
Jesus and Maria.

Words: Anonymous
Music: Hans Leo Hassler

O Sacred Head
surrounded by crown of piercing thorn.
O bleeding head so wounded,
reviled and put to scorn.


Blessed are you Mary, you have believed:
those things were perfected in you
as were told to you by the Lord.
(Luke 1:45)
Hail Mary full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.