The Birds’ Lullaby [Corlis]

Composition Details

Performed in Concert

Conductor Notes:

This is the fourth movement of Tim Corlis’ suite for treble choir and marimba, Heart Songs of the White Wampum.  Full details are available under the listing for the suite.

A gentle piece building from unison to rising accompanying vocal lines. About half way through, the marimba departs from a traditional accompaniment to florid passages reminiscent of bird calls before returning to a peaceful, simple ending.

The piece can be done with the original marimba accompaniment (preferred) or with piano.

SING to us, cedars; the twilight is creeping
With shadowy garments, the wilderness through;
All day we have carolled, and now would be sleeping,
So echo the anthems we warbled to you;
Swing, swing,
And your branches sing,
And we drowse to your dreamy whispering.

Sing to us, cedars; the night-wind is sighing,
Is wooing, is pleading, to hear you reply;
And here in your arms we are restfully lying,
And longing to dream to your soft lullaby;
Swing, swing…

Sing to us, cedars; your voice is so lowly,
Your breathing so fragrant, your branches so strong;
Our little nest-cradles are swaying so slowly,
While zephyrs are breathing their slumberous song.
Swing, swing…