Cantate Domino, canticum novum

Composition Details

Performed in Concert

Conductor Notes:

Double choir SSAA a cappella or with continuo. We were grateful for Artemisia Editions’ publication of this rhythmically-challenging work. Discovering how low the lowest alto parts lay, we opted to divide the choir instead into two choirs of only three parts, covering the SAT lines of both choirs. We used our continuo section to cover the bass lines. The soprano 1 lines sit consistently high, making this one of those works that is more tiring to rehearse than perform.

Cesis’ setting combines excerpts from Psalms 95 and 99 in a style remiscent of Giovanni Gabrieli’s double choir works.

This work has been recorded by Cappella Artemisia on their CD “Cesis: Mottetti Spirituali”


Cantate Domino canticum novum,
cantate Domino omnis terra
cantate Domino et benedicite nomini ejus,
annunciate de die in diem salutare eius.
Psallite Deo nostro,
psallite sapienter regi nostro.

Iubilate Deo omnis terra
et exaltate ei cum tremore,
quoniam suavis est Dominus.
Cantate Domino gloriose,
iubilate Deo Iacob
Quia ipse est Deus:
ipse fecit nos et non ipsi nos.


O sing unto the Lord a new song,
sing unto the Lord, all the earth,
sing unto the Lord and bless his name,
show forth his salvation from day to day.
Make a joyful noise unto our Lord,
make a joyful noise judiciously unto our king.

Rejoice unto the Lord, all the earth,
and exalt him with trembling,
for the Lord is good.
Sing gloriously unto the Lord,
rejoice unto the Lord of Jacob,
for he is God:
it is he that made us, and not we ourselves.

Translation by Candace Smith