Composition Details
- Arranged by: Marie-Claire Saindon
- Published by: not available at this time
- Canadian Work:
- Duration: 4:30
Performed in Concert
In Collections
Conductor Notes:
SSA, soprano soloist, and small instrumental ensemble
Elektra’s May 2019 concert featured Acadian/Montreal-based soprano Suzie LeBlanc, and we agreed we would end with a 20-minute set of traditional Acadian songs. Suzie has two CDs of this material with band and without choir, and I knew she would really be able to engage with the audience if the music was completely familiar to her. So we replicated the band as best we could with fiddler David Greenberg and our own Stephen Smith, using the exact key and road map of the CD versions. We then commissioned Marie-Claire to write 3-part choral arrangements that would nest into these structures. The results were very successful.
Please note that the arrangement is not available to other choirs at the moment.
The other pieces Marie-Claire arranged for this set were Avec un avocat and Tout d’travers, both of which have their own listings on this website.
C’est dans le mois de mai,
En montant la rivière,
C’est dans le mois de mai
Que les filles sont belles,
Que les filles sont bell’s, O gai !
Que les filles sont belles.
Et que tous les amants,
En montant la rivière,
Et que tous les amants
Y changent leurs maîtresses,
Y changent leurs maîtress’s, O gai !
Y changent leurs maîtresses.
Pour moi, je n’changerai pas…
Car la mienne est trop belle…
Elle a de beaux yeux bleus…
Une bouche vermeille…
Oh ! qu’il me serait doux…
Doux de vivre avec elle…
Dans un petit logis…
Tout près d’une fontaine…
Et où tous les matins…
La mariée se baigne…
Ell’ s’y est tant baignée…
Qu’un jour elle s’est noyée…
Le libéra chanté…
Un cantiqu’ de Marseille…