Composition Details
- Composed by: Traditional Spanish
- Arranged by: Edward Henderson
- Canadian Work:
Performed in Concert
In Collections
On December twenty-fifth, sing fum, fum, fum.
He is born of God’s pure love, the Son of God;
He is born of Virgin Mary in this night so cold and dreary.
Fum, fum, fum
Estrellitas de los cielos, fum, fum, fum,
Que a Jesús miráis llorar, fum, fum, fum
Y no lloráis,
Allumbrad la noche obscura
Con vuestra luz clara y pura
Fum, fum, fum
Shining stars from heaven above sing fum, fum, fum.
Looking down where Jesus lies, sing fum, fum, fum.
Oh, come rejoice;
Come and light the night’s obscureness
With your light and dazzling pureness.
Fum, fum, fum