Lascia Filli Mia Cara

Composition Details

Conductor Notes:

This is really by Sweelink.


Lascia Filli mia cara,

spoglia quel tuo rigore

e saggia come sei

vesti d’Amore

Guarda non imitare le serpe

da colombi impara amore,

da loro i modo impara

come baccian gli amanti

con iterati amplessi,

e vezzi tanti

che se t’ho’n braccio un giorno,

vuo, ch’a mille colombi

facciam scorno.


Leave off, my sweet girl

Strip off your harshness

and know what the clothing of

Love is like.

Be careful not to imitate the snake

learn about love from the dove,

learn from them the way in which

lovers kiss

with lots of hugging

and lots of charms

so that if I have you in my arms some day

we will put a thousand doves to shame.