Liebst du um Schönheit

Composition Details

Performed in Concert

Conductor Notes:

Occasionally, as with this piece, we sing a solo art song in unison, which gives each member of the choir the opportunity to sing a beautifully-shaped melody. A side benefit is that every singer then knows an art song that she could sing in an audition elsewhere – particularly handy for high school girls as they look for choirs at university and wherever the next chapter takes them.

We sang this in Db major.

German Text:

Liebst du um Schönheit,
O nicht mich liebe!
Liebe die Sonne,
Sie trägt ein gold’nes Haar!

Liebst du um Jugend,
O nicht mich liebe!
Liebe den Frühling,
Der jung ist jedes Jahr!

Liebst du um Schätze,
O nicht mich liebe.
Liebe die Meerfrau, [Die]1 hat viel Perlen klar.

Liebst du um Liebe,
O ja, mich liebe!
Liebe mich immer,
Dich lieb’ ich immerdar.


If you love for beauty, then do not love me! Love the sun, with its golden hair!
If you love for youth, then do not love me! Love the spring, which is young every year!
If you love for treasure, then do not love me! Love the mermaid, who has many shining pearls!
If you love for love, oh then love me!
Love me always, as I will always love you!