Missa Nona (Mass No. 9)

Composition Details

Performed in Concert

Conductor Notes:

An outstanding, major composition for SSAA and piano. A dramatic tour de force for both choir and pianist. Tessituras and the sheer weight and duration of the work require excellent vocal technique. A soprano duet is featured prominently in the Gloria and Agnus Dei

Kyrie (6:00) – slow, unfolding over pulsing piano chords, Christe lightens but soon builds into the opening intensity, return of the Kyrie is a weighty and slightly more active take on the opening, then dying away to close.

Gloria (4:35) – Quintessential and brilliant Orban melodic and rhythmic play, challenging vocal lines, duet featured prominently, huge peaks, an effervescent ending.

Sanctus (2:30) – Sombre, trudging, unfolding to sweeping vocal lines and lines that answer between
Benedictus (3:00) – A playful fugue in the piano is contrasted by long choral lines. Glorious and huge ending.

Agnus Dei (6:10) – Sweeping, varied, a dramatic and significant journey with moments of exquisite calm and poignance. Duet plays a major role.

Total time 22:20