Composition Details
- Composed by: Traditional French
- Arranged by: Derek Holman
- Published by: Hinshaw Music Inc
- Cat No: .HMC1993
- Canadian Work:
- Duration: 2:15
Performed in Concert
In Collections
Composer / Arranger Notes:
SSA and brass quintet (or piano)
Quittez, pasteurs, vos brebis, vos houlettes,
Votre hameau et le soin du troupeau!
Changez vos pleurs en une joie parfaite!
Allez tous adorer un Dieu
Qui vient vous consoler.
Vous le verrez couché dans une étable,
Comme un enfant nu, pauvre, languissant;
Reconnaissez Son amour ineffable
Pour nous venir chercher:
Il est le fidèle Berger!
Rois d’Orient! L’etoile vous éclaire;
À ce grand roi rendez hommage et foi!
L’astre brillant vous mène à la lumiere
De ce Soleil naissant;
Offrez l’or, la myrrhe et l’encens.
Come, shepherds, come,
Now leave your flocks asleeping,
The angel’s voice bids all the world rejoice!
The infant Son now banishes your weeping,
He bids your sorrows cease.
The Lord who comes to bid you peace.
See now this child
Asleep within the manger
Now gently laid beside his mother mild;
Pure, undefiled, His love so deep
Is able to reach from heaven to earth:
Then hail with joy the virgin birth!
Come Orient kings!
A new star sheds its brightness,
Whilst leading you to render homage due
To him who brings to us on earth new lightness,
The Saviour long foretold,
Give myrrh and frankincense and gold.