Surge, Propera Amica Mea

Composition Details

  • Composed by: Raphaella Aleotti
  • Published by: IMSLP
  • Canadian Work: No
  • Duration: 3:10

Performed in Concert

Conductor Notes:

Double choir SATB. We gave the soprano lines of both choirs to the Elektra Soprano 2 section, the alto lines to the Alto 1 section, the tenor lines to the Elektra Soprano 1 section an octave higher than tenor range, and the bass lines to the Alto 2 section, also up the octave. The vocal ranges for all parts are modest, if a little on the low side for the Alto 2s. We also used the continuo section throughout and had our two violinists doubling vocal lines. This piece frequently sets the two choirs apart rhythmically, which could create a dazzling aural effect in a resonant performance space. One of the shorter and more moderate pieces on our Women of the Italian Baroque concert, this is also one of the most approachable.

This work has been recorded by Cappella Artemisia on their CD “Raphaella Aleotti”.


Surge, propera amica mea, columba mea, formosa mea, speciosa mea et veni.
Columba mea, in foraminibus petrae, in caverna maceriae,
ostende mihi faciem tuam, sonet vox tua in auribus meis,
vox enim tua dulcis, et facies tua decora.


Arise, my love, my dove, my fair one, and come away;
O my dove, who is in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs,
let me see your Countenance, let me hear your voice;
for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is comely.