Triolett, op. 114, no. 2

Composition Details

Performed in Concert

In Collections

Conductor Notes:

A beautiful, tranquil piece in 3 parts with piano. Unlike some of Schumann’s other works for women’s choir, the piano is not optional in Triolett.


Senkt die Nacht den sanften Fittig nieder,
Tönt der Zither flüsternder Akkord.
Es entbehrt die Lippe gern das Wort,
Senkt die Nacht den sanften Fittig nieder.
Auch verstummend preisen dich die Lieder,
Holde Nacht, der Liebe treuer Hort!
Senkt die Nacht den sanften Fittig nieder,
Tönt der Zither flüsternder Akkord.


When the night subdues the delicate wing,
the zither sounds a whispering chord.
Lips are content to be lost for words.
When the night subdues the delicate wing,
songs, silenced likewise, extol you,
precious night, true protector of love.
When the night subdues the delicate wing,
the zither sounds a whispering chord.