Vesi Väsyy Lumen Alle

Composition Details

  • Composed by: Traditional Finnish
  • Arranged by: Harri Wessman
  • Published by: Walton Music WTC1005
  • Canadian Work: No
  • Duration: 4:56
  • Sample Tracks:

Recorded by Elektra

Conductor Notes:

A stunning and evocative piece based on a traditional Finnish melody. The published score is in the original Finnish but also offers a singable English version. This is one of the first pieces Elektra ever performed, discovered when, in our search for repertoire, we found the innovative work of the Tapiola Children’s Choir. For SSAA choir and flute plus piano or, better yet, the version for SSAA choir, flute, string quartet, bass, and piano. Could fit a Christmas concert beautifully but can be performed at any time of year.


by Eha Lättemäe

Vesi väsyy lumen alle,
jäiden alle jää lepohon.

Tuulee tuuli, ei torkahda.
Tanssii tuisku tuhatjalka,
pyryn poika pyörähtelee.
Tuulee tuuli, ei torkahda.

Sitä ei kuule kuloruoho,
kuloruoho, kuolonkorsi,
hangen alla ei aavista.

Aikaa on olla uninen,
Aikaa olla luminenkin.


by Kari Turunen

Water grows weary under the snow
it rests under the ice.

The wind blows, it does not sleep.
The flurry dances with a thousand feet.
The son of the flurry dances around.
The wind blows, it does not fall asleep.

It is not heard by the dry grass
The dry grass, the dead stalk
under the snow, it does not (even) suppose
There is time to be sleepy.
Time to be snowy, as well.