We Wish You a Merry Christmas [McNeff]

Composition Details

  • Arranged by: Stephen McNeff
  • Published by: brass qtet/SATB through Buzz Cuivres; treble adapt. contact Edmundson
  • Canadian Work: No
  • Duration: 1:50

In Collections

Conductor Notes:

I heard this in its original SATB/brass quintet form on a recording by Buzz Quivres (“Brass”), a busy brass quintet in Montreal. I wrote to Sylvain Lapointe of Buzz Cuivres and paid for the brass parts and permission to photocopy a modified treble choir version that I prepared myself. If you would like to sing the treble/brass version, I will reach out to Sylvain and/or UK arranger Stephen McNeff to figure out how to appropriately pay for the rights to use.