From the Heart

May 31, 2009 at 3:30 PM

Ryerson United Church

From Co-Founder Diane Loomer:

So how does one write a letter of welcome to one’s own farewell concert? In my case, I think the only answer is – from the heart. I welcome you with the knowledge the choral world is close and relatively small; that assures me we will see each other again. I welcome you because you will hear in our concert today some of the ‘choral milestones’ I’ve enjoyed with my beloved Elektra in our rich history of 22 years together.

“From the Heart” recalls music from our first concert in 1987 right through to a composition commissioned and created for Elektra just a few months ago. Singing this music again assures me it will live on. I welcome you because I know Elektra will continue to brilliantly shine under the capable leadership and love of my friend and Co-Conductor, soon to be Artistic Director, Morna Edmundson.

Watching the choir enter this new phase is very much like watching your carefully tended child running forward to new adventures while holding the hand of a much-loved and trusted friend. As a proud parent you know they’re in for great adventures. I welcome you because I know Elektra will continue to be nourished and guided by a remarkably kind and competent administration and board. What better assurance could one ask for? With that kind of leadership, all will be well. I welcome you because I know you are good friends and good people. You are the champions who believe in the value of music making, the importance of music creation and in keeping the world singing. You know that choral music is good for this world and for its people. Thank you for being with us today. From the heart, Diane Today’s concert marks a landmark in the life of Elektra Women’s Choir.

From Co-Founder Morna Edmundson

As many of you know, this is Diane Loomer’s last concert as Co-Conductor of Elektra. She and I founded the choir over a glass of wine more than 22 years ago and have together enjoyed the amazing journey of one of Canada’s first high-profile women’s choirs. We’ve been blessed to have led well over 100 singers in what we aspired to make a musical highlight of their week and their year. It certainly was our pleasure to work with each of them, and to co-conduct the concerts for you, our audience. My friendship with Diane is as strong as ever, now tinged with nostalgia for our amazing shared memories over so much beautiful music. Who would have thought back in 1987 that we would still be collaborating 22 years later?

After today, I am proud and honoured to say I will be carrying on Elektra’s strong tradition as its Artistic Director – continuing to explore and develop exciting repertoire, collaborating with other fine musicians locally and on tour, recording CDs to be shared with the world, and singing our hearts out for you. We have an exciting season planned for 09/10 and look forward to seeing you then.

Performance Pieces:

Canadian Work Legend Canadian Work